Harvey Keye was born and raised off of 29th Ave and 21st Place, Birmingham, Alabama in a lot next to a train yard. He and his community were literally dirt poor. Harvey was the first person in his neighborhood to attend and graduate from college. Later, he would become the first Black salesperson for Colgate Palmolive Co, own his own medical supply company, receive an MBA degree, work in Telecommunications for over 25 years, and eventually be elected twice to the NH House of Representatives.
In 1999, NH was the only state in the nation which did not celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday as state holiday. The decision whether to make it a holiday or not would come down to a vote in the House. On the day of the vote, Representative Harvey Keye stepped up to the floor and delivered an impassioned speech, which helped punctuate for the House members the importance of their vote that day. The NH House of Representatives voted 212 to 148 on June 17, 1999 to successfully pass the bill. The act was meaningful to the state of NH and also meaningful to millions of Americans who believe that the contributions of Martin Luther King helped shape this great country in a positive and lasting way. Representative Harvey Keye was an important part of the catalyst that helped make it happen, so much so that NPR radio interviewed Harvey about his contributions on that day and his life (the audio interview is part of this site).
Harvey is absolutely passionate about working to make our communities better. He believes in community, just like the poor Alabama community that helped raise him from the front stoops of their shacks. Harvey has been a part of countless organizations in support of people. He loves his family. He loves his community. He loves his country.